An essential oil is simply a concentrated liquid containing various volatile organic compounds in plants. Essential oils are sometimes also called volatile or aromatic oils, ethereal oils, the oil of the plants, like oil of Rosemary or rosewater. Aromatherapy derives from the Greek word which means flower or herb. Many essential oils have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, sedative and stimulant activity. Life science publishing essential oils have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions including: headaches, convulsions, flatulence, flu, colds, flu type symptoms, inflammation, neuralgia, pain, purgation, ringing in ears, stress, stomach upsets and minor ailments such as upset stomach, digestive problems and body aches.
Because there are no side effects associated with using essential oils of any kind, they have now become a popular alternative therapy for a wide range of health conditions. Some of these conditions may include: migraine headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, chronic pain, diabetes, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorders, romyalgia, shingles, sinusitis, sinus infections and throat inflammation. These oils can be used by themselves or combined with other organic compounds in topical application such as lanolin, alcohol, and phenol carbon. Each oil has a unique function and is useful for treating or curing a specific condition or symptom.
Essential oils can be diluted in carrier oils (essential oils) in order to make a light, cheap, effective topical application. Many essential oils have been combined into mixtures which can be directly applied to the skin. Essential oils which can be directly applied to the skin include: tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, lavender oil, lemon oil, marjoram oil, rosewood oil, rose hip seed oil, sweet orange oil, and wintergreen oil. Learn more by clicking this link.
The direct application of essential oils to the skin is not recommended. Although some people do ingest essential oils when ingesting them, their toxicity is significantly lower than their toxicity when inhaled. Ingesting essential oils can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, cramps, confusion, allergic reactions, and respiratory failure. Essential oils should only be consumed on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. Ingesting lemon balm or grapefruit pectin when pregnant or breastfeeding is potentially fatal to both the infant and the mother.
The complete list of health benefits associated with essential oils is inconclusive and controversial. The most common of the benefits is that they provide a strong antioxidant, which helps prevent damage from free radicals that cause aging. They can help prevent some cancers and stimulate the immune system. They have also been shown to increase the production of interferon in the blood, which can prevent the disease. Other commonly reported side effects include headache, irritation, and allergic reactions.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the health benefits of essential oils. One study has demonstrated that rising oil reduced the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. A group of women who were exposed to four different scented candles had lower cortisol levels than a group who did not use any candles at all. The researchers suggest that the volatile chemicals are the cause of the reduced stress hormone. However, other researchers are critical of the study, claiming that the sample size is too small to draw definite conclusions.
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